When warmer weather comes around it brings up opportunities for businesses to get creative with their marketing strategies. For some, summer is their slow season, so what better time to work on your marketing plan. Some fun and unique ways to promote in the summer include:
Promotional Items: Handing out items with your logo on them, such as beach balls, frisbees and water bottles can increase your company’s exposure this summer.
Encourage Customer Loyalty: It costs more to target a new customer than to keep the ones you already have. Why not start rewarding loyal customers with hot deals?
Printing Materials: Because summer is a slow season for some companies, promoting your products/services through postcards, flyers and banners is ideal.
Host an Event: Invite customers for a cookout or an event to show them demos or give them a tour of your building. Be sure to include incentives to all of those that attend as a reminder.
Spoil your Customers: Target your biggest customers and invite them to a dinner, winery, game of golf, or to watch a ball game. This is a good way to associate fun summer activities you like with business.
Plan your Busy Season: If summer is a slow season for your business, you could use the time wisely and make a plan of your marketing activates for the year. Do some marketing research by reaching out to your clients and asking them what they think of your products or services.
Go Where People Are: Make sure to take advantage of the crowds that summer festivals collect by having a stand or booth to promote your business.
Hold a Contest: As summer time approaches, it creates an excitement from everyone, including your clients. Come up with a fun contest giveaway that includes participation from your clients. Social media is a great way to get everyone involved!